Pltf participated in a group motorcycle ride. In Bolingbrook, the rear tire of the pltf’s suddenly went flat and the motorcycle began to weave.
Publication: Settlements by Category Published: 5/26/2023
(SRRR i/20) (11) Confidential
Settlement: $38,950,000 (IL Cook-Law)
Pltf Atty(s): Mark T. Schneid, Mark W. Mathys of Mathys & Schneid (Naperville, IL)
Facts: On June 1, 2019, pltf participated in a group motorcycle ride. In Bolingbrook, the rear tire of the pltf’s suddenly went flat and the motorcycle began to weave. As pltf slowed, the rear tire suddenly came completely off the rim and wedged into the frame of the touring motorcycle, catapulting him forward and onto the roadway. He was not wearing a motorcycle helmet, and he sustained a complex subdural hematoma, subarachnoid hemorrhage, and diffuse axonal injury, causing complete disability. He now requires 24-hour nursing care for all medical treatment and activities of daily living ($2,72,441 medl. Expense; $4,700,000 plus future medl. Expense (disputed); $780,623 LT as a roofer). Allegedly, pltf purchased the used 2001 touring motorcycle from a local motorcycle seller who had purchased it from a national motorcycle seller. The national seller had a national motorcycle maintenance company install new tires on it, including an improper rear tire, and a rear tire valve stem. Experts determined that the long air valve stem would flex at highway speeds, which caused the air cap to strike the brake caliper, shear off and deflate the tire. The tire after deflating, flexed and stretched, and would come completely off the rim. Whereas, an OEM tire would have stayed on the rim even after deflating. Paid by confidential defts.